China Canton Fair Meistverkaufte CNC-Bearbeitungsteile

China Canton Fair Meistverkaufte CNC-Bearbeitungsteile

China Canton Fair Meistverkaufte CNC-Bearbeitungsteile:

Reference Nachrichten reported on April 17 that the Canton Fair, known as "China's No. On the same day, the third China International Consumer Goods Fair (Consumer Fair) closed in Hainan. The sixth China International Import Expo (CIIE) will open in the second half of the year. Analysts pointed out that the national "exhibition matrix" unites the world with a strong magnetic field, and releases positive signals for China to boost consumer confidence and promote high-level opening up.

According to reports, China's top leaders made it clear at last month's National People's Congress that "we still have to eat reform and take an open path." According to the report, this means that China will adhere to a higher level of opening up to the outside world on a larger scale, in a wider field and at a deeper level. In the meetings between Chinese leaders and foreign dignitaries who recently visited China, the same signal was conveyed: China will adhere to reform and opening up, more actively integrate high-standard international economic and trade rules, and firmly promote high-level opening up.

The report notes that in recent weeks, Chinese Premier Li Qiang has said that China needs to "find ways" to stabilize exports to developed economies and develop markets in developing countries and regional markets such as ASEAN. He said he would win over foreign investors, support private companies, and said China would remain open to foreign investment and trade.

The report also said that the Chinese government is vigorously promoting investment, and the enthusiasm for holding large-scale trade fairs is also increasing. The Canton Fair is undoubtedly China's most recognizable commodity fair in the world with the widest influence, and it is also a bright business card that showcases Guangdong and China's opening up to the outside world.

Die Gesamtausstellungsfläche dieser Canton Fair beträgt fast 1,5 Millionen Quadratmeter, was mehr als 200 Fußballfeldern entspricht. Rund 35.000 Aussteller werden in den kommenden drei Wochen ihre Stände mit Kühlschränken, Getrieben, Jacken und einer Vielzahl weiterer Produkte füllen. Tausende von Unternehmen aus mehr als 200 Ländern und Regionen werden Vertreter entsenden, um an der Ausstellung teilzunehmen.

Die Canton Fair findet zweimal im Jahr statt, und die sechs Ausgaben von 2017 bis 2019 brachten jeweils rund 30 Milliarden US-Dollar an Aufträgen ein, trotz der US-Handelszölle auf chinesische Waren in diesem Zeitraum. Die neue Kronenepidemie hat die Absage der jüngsten Canton Fairs erzwungen, sie ins Internet verlegt oder ohne Geschäftsleute aus Übersee abgehalten.

Chris Sillitoe ist Inhaber eines Unternehmens für die Beschaffung von Werkzeugen und Hardware in Großbritannien. Er sagte, er könne es kaum erwarten, wieder an der Canton Fair teilzunehmen.

Sillitto said: "We are all optimistic and excited about being able to come to the Canton Fair. It has been a long time since (the last time we participated in the exhibition)."

Die Rolle der Canton Fair hat sich im Laufe der Jahre weiterentwickelt. Heute achten die Exporteure weniger auf die tatsächliche Anzahl der Transaktionen, sondern sehen die Canton Fair als Plattform, um Kontakte zu knüpfen und das Bewusstsein zu schärfen.

Qin Yurong, who exports TV antennas to Southeast Asia, said business grew more than 10% year-on-year in the first quarter of this year. "With the borders reopening, it's definitely going to be better than it's been for the past three years," she said.